Karol Babioch changed bug 1026807
What Removed Added
CC   kbabioch@suse.com, nadvornik@suse.com
Flags   needinfo?(nadvornik@suse.com)

Comment # 2 on bug 1026807 from
Trying to get this fixed. Couldn't yet reproduce it, but will try to do so.
Could someone that is affected by this try to run wpa_supplicant directly
(without any other network management on top, e.g. no wicket and/or

Such an issue has already been discussed in the past [1]. The solution [2]
seems to be to use "MSCHAPV2" as method, as this is case-sensitive.

[1]: http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/hostap/2009-July/020026.html
[2]: http://lists.infradead.org/pipermail/hostap/2009-August/020133.html

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