Mike Latimer changed bug 908134
What Removed Added
CC   brogers@suse.com, carnold@suse.com, jdouglas@suse.com, jfehlig@suse.com, mpluskal@suse.com
Flags   needinfo?(mpluskal@suse.com)

Comment # 3 on bug 908134 from
I have a few comments here...

First of all, '-op' is deprecated, and the recommended (and documented, AFAIK)
syntax is '-os'. Under the covers, both options work the same, but please use
the '-os' syntax.

More importantly, virt-v2v is described as being a utility that "converts
guests from a foreign hypervisor to run on KVM". The key term here is
"foreign". A KVM to KVM conversion is not really a foreign hypervisor
conversion, and I'm not sure if it should be supported...

The virt-v2v process itself does not validate the -ic syntax. That is left up
to libvirt. This is actually a good thing, as (in theory) libvirt could
implement a new connection driver and virt-v2v would automatically support it.
The down side is that you are allowed to connect to a driver that is not
intended to work (as in this case). We could implement a check on this
parameter, or leave it up to users to figure out through the documentation.

Regarding the log in comment #2, the important message here is "The connected
hypervisor does not support a x86_64 kvm guest". This is likely due to the
target machine (the one running the virt-v2v process) being a Xen machine.
Despite the v2v name, virt-v2v does not convert KVM machines to run on Xen.
This would take significant work, and is not a possibility in SLES12.

Given the above comments, the following questions need to be answered:

- Were you under the impression that virt-v2v would do conversions to Xen? If
so, is that impression based on any documentation that should be clarified?

- Should virt-v2v validate the '-ic' parameter to ensure only valid xen
connections are used?

- Should virt-v2v validate that it is running on a KVM host (instead of a Xen
host)?  (Using '-oc' with virt-v2v to write to a remote target is not really
feasible due to the storage copy process. (See man(1) virt-v2v.))

- Should the virt-v2v process "convert" KVM guests to run on another KVM host?
(Shouldn't a simple migrate be used here? Maybe it would be worth it to convert
from very different machine types?)

We probably need to discuss the above questions in our team, but your thoughts
are appreciated as well.

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