P.S. IMHO the most useful uses of zypper are the following: * man zypper * zypper help * zypper help *command* * zypper info *packagename* * zypper lu -t package -t patch * zypper patch --with-update * zypper --releasever *nn.n* dup * but only after changing the URL (and optionally the name and/or alias: I personally use it in the name but not the alias) of all repository entries in the *.repo files (even Packman if present) so that the openSUSE version is replaced by the text "$releasever" (without the quotes of course) * It is possible (and IMHO less error-prone when tweaking the repositories' description manually, for instance to add $releasever) to have a single .repo file (named, for example, /etc/zypp/repos.d/all.repo) rather than a separate one for each repo, but this is only my own preference, and it admittedly makes the all.repo rather bulky; another user might prefer separate .repo files for this reason. For more complicated package management actions than the above, I find YaST more user-friendly. Again, YMMV.