Comment # 8 on bug 772729 from
For all the following, # fc-match cantarell produces 'Cantarell-Regular.otf:
"Cantarell" "Regular"'.

This remains a problem on 13.1/KDE3 host big31using rv42.0 SeaMonkey but not
rv38.0 Firefox (esr) or rv42.0 Firefox.

This remains a problem on 13.2/KDE3 host gx280 using rv17.0 Firefox (esr) and
rv 42.0 Firefox.

This is not a problem on TW/KDE3 host gx280 using Seamonkey rv42.0 or Firefox
rv42.0 or Firefox rv17.0.

This is not a problem on TW/KDE4 host gx780 using Seamonkey rv42.0 or Firefox
rv42.0 or Firefox rv17.0 or Firefox rv38.0.

This is not a problem on Leap/IceWM host gx780 using Seamonkey rv42.0 or
Firefox rv42.0 or Firefox rv17.0 or Firefox rv38.0

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