Michael Andres changed bug 1169223
What Removed Added
CC   kolAflash@kolAhilft.de
Flags   needinfo?(kolAflash@kolAhilft.de)

Comment # 1 on bug 1169223 from
Somewhat depends on how one creates the locks. Every lock is basically a query. 
It will of course make a difference if you create ONE lock matching all
texlife-* packages

> # zypper al 'texlive-*'
> Specified lock has been successfully added.

> # zypper ll -m
> Loading repository data...
> Reading installed packages...
> # | Name                  | Matches | Type    | Repository
> --+-----------------------+---------+---------+-----------
> 1 | texlive-*             | 6598    | package | (any)

rather than the 6598 (on my 15.1) individual locks, which is most probably what
YAST did.

So if `zypper ll` shows you a few thousand texlive- locks, remove then and
replace them by one lock created by `zypper al 'texlive-*'` (I don't know if
YAST also has some API to create wildcarded locks). This should be much fater.

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