Comment # 2 on bug 916377 from
Never played around with wicked and all these news things before but here is
some info:

wicked ifstatus --verbose enp10s0
enp10s0         up
      link:     #4, state up, mtu 1500
      type:     ethernet, hwaddr 48:5b:39:36:d5:43
      control:  none
      config:   compat:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-enp10s0,
                uuid: 9ed93722-d4d3-5ba7-9ade-643dbc9e81e2
      leases:   ipv4 static granted
      addr:     ipv6 fe80::4a5b:39ff:fe36:d543/64
      route:    ipv6 fe80::/64 dev #0 type unicast table main scope universe
protocol kernel priority 256

The other "external" ethernet interface shows much more for even ipv4:

enp4s0          up
      link:     #2, state up, mtu 1500
      type:     ethernet, hwaddr 00:13:3b:0f:26:13
      control:  none
      config:   compat:/etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-enp4s0,
                uuid: be7628d6-a240-55d5-af85-045bb6e6fed1
      leases:   ipv4 static granted
      addr:     ipv4 [static]
      addr:     ipv6 fe80::xxxxxxx/64
      addr:     ipv6 xxxxx/64
                dynamic|temporary lifetime 7200/600
      addr:     ipv6 xxxxx/64
                dynamic lifetime 7200/600
      route:    ipv4 via dev #0 type unicast table main
scope universe protocol boot
      route:    ipv4 dev #0 type unicast table main scope link
protocol kernel pref-src
      route:    ipv6 fe80::/64 dev #0 type unicast table main scope universe
protocol kernel priority 256

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