Comment # 3 on bug 966119 from
It is tumbleweed.

You might want to look over somebody's shoulder, when (s)he tries to give the
appropriate input in your user's "interface".


Do you truly think this entry into your bugzilla is self explaining / -evident
how to input needed data? I don't doubt it you love it, is hallowed and of
venerable age but you just might want to try to look it anew and impartially
for once ;-).

*hrmph again*

It is "YAST online update" (or, in German, "Online-Aktualisierung") which finds
no updates.

me@netbook:~> zypper lr
# | Alias                            | Name                            |
Aktiviert | GPG-�berpr�fung | Aktualisieren
1 |    | Haupt-Repository (NON-OSS)      | Ja    
   | (r ) Ja         | Ja           
2 |        | Haupt-Repository (OSS)          | Ja    
   | (r ) Ja         | Ja           
3 | | Hauptaktualisierungs-Repository | Ja    
   | (r ) Ja         | Ja           
4 | repo-debug                       | repo-debug                      | Ja    
   | (r ) Ja         | Ja           
5 | repo-non-oss                     | repo-non-oss                    | Ja    
   | (r ) Ja         | Ja           
6 | repo-oss                         | repo-oss                        | Ja    
   | (r ) Ja         | Ja           
7 | repo-update                      | repo-update                     | Ja    
   | (r ) Ja         | Ja           

"Did you confuse online updates (zypper patch) vs. newer packages (zypper
dup)?" I do not understand this question. I did not write about zypper, but
YAST?!? I realize that it is a frontend for zypper, but I don't know about the
one-to-one implementation in YAST...

I'm sorry for any grumpyness, but I'm trying to be of help and all this is not
exactly making this easy.

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