Comment # 4 on bug 977040 from
> What apps exactly are having this "problem"?

While I'm sure there are more, MySQL WorkBench (installed from the openSUSE
repos) and IntelliJ both show that generic icon in the taskbar.

> You said that they do have a (different) icon in the application menu.
> Is this also the case for those that are still affected now? Do they have an
> icon in the window title bar?

In the Application menu AND on the window title bar, the icon is correct.
IntelliJ shows its proper icon. It's only the tile on the taskbar that does

> Where did you install IntelliJ from?

I installed I needed
the Ultimate version (for work).

> Maybe try to delete the icon cache (~/.cache/icon-cache.kcache) and run
> "kbuildsycoca5 --noincremental" as user, or try with a fresh user account.

This did not work (do I need to restart?) and it throws the error:

    kf5.kservice.sycoca: Parse error in
"~/.config/menus/applications-merged/", line 1 , col
1 : "unexpected end of file"

The file is 0 bytes.

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