Comment # 5 on bug 972394 from
1. Thank you.
2. I tryed with kernel now. I needed to reboot 3 times to get
to the error state again.

disk@nohostname:~> dmesg |grep overlay
disk@nohostname:~> su
nohostname:/home/disk # dmesg |grep overlay
nohostname:/home/disk # dmesg |grep overlay
nohostname:/home/disk # journalctl |grep overlay
Apr 06 22:21:53 nohostname sudo[1325]:     disk : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/disk
; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psd-overlay-helper
Apr 06 22:21:53 nohostname audit[1325]: USER_CMD pid=1325 uid=1001
auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 msg='cwd="/home/disk" cmd="psd-overlay-helper"
terminal=? res=success'
Apr 06 22:21:53 nohostname sudo[1573]:     disk : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/disk
; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/psd-overlay-helper -v 23 -l
/home/disk/.mozilla/firefox/hyoinmm5.default-backup -u
/run/user/1001/disk-firefox-hyoinmm5.default-rw -w
/run/user/1001/.disk-firefox-hyoinmm5.default -d
/run/user/1001/disk-firefox-hyoinmm5.default mountup
nohostname:/home/disk # 

Firefox profile is now broken and it shows "Secure Connection Failed".

If i reboot with the newer kernel it will be back. So i could test. No -

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