Comment # 9 on bug 1202066 from
> You could ask the reporter for reproduction steps on a clean installation 
> via NEEDINFO, so that we can observe the issue

Don't waste time on that, I have no idea how to reproduce on a clean
installation and I'm certainly not gonna try.

A guess, though, is that you would need (among other things) to have some file
with unicode characters in its filename (utf-8 encoded?) like an ��� or an ���, in
whatever local folder FileZilla is going to open by default.

Then maybe you need to have FileZilla launch in a way that somehow is not aware
of the UTF8 locale. But maybe this part would take care of itself, because
obviously I never did anything to provoke that, and this may be the very bug
either in FileZilla or in the startup-application-restart mechanism that
triggers the error.

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