Comment # 2 on bug 1102261 from
There was an update to libzypp and zypper at approx. 1AM CEST but no change: to
day I see:

linux-2iyu:~ # (zypper lu -t package -t patch || echo 'exit status' $? ; date )
2>&1 |tee -a ~/zypper.log
Retrieving repository 'RWTH:Leap-15.0-Packman' metadata [..done]
Building repository 'RWTH:Leap-15.0-Packman' cache [....done]
Retrieving repository 'FAU_:Leap-15.0-Packman' metadata [.done]
Building repository 'FAU_:Leap-15.0-Packman' cache [....done]
Retrieving repository 'SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test' metadata [..done]
Building repository 'SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test' cache [....done]
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...


Repository                 | Name | Category    | Severity  | Interactive |
Status   | Summary
SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | 9067 | security    | moderate  | ---         |
needed   | Security update for wpa_supplicant
SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | 9071 | recommended | moderate  | ---         |
needed   | Recommended update for kmod
SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | 9072 | optional    | low       | ---         |
optional | Optional update for tdb
SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | 9073 | recommended | moderate  | ---         |
needed   | Recommended update for xdm
SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | 9074 | recommended | important | ---         |
needed   | Recommended update for xfsprogs

Found 5 applicable patches:
1 patch optional (use '--with-optional' to include optional patches)
4 patches needed (1 security patch)

Package updates

S | Repository                 | Name           | Current Version   | Available
Version   | Arch
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | kmod           | 25-lp150.3.1      |
25-lp150.4.3.1      | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | kmod-compat    | 25-lp150.3.1      |
25-lp150.4.3.1      | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | libkmod2       | 25-lp150.3.1      |
25-lp150.4.3.1      | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | libtdb1        | 1.3.15-lp150.1.8  |
1.3.15-lp150.2.3.1  | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | libtdb1-32bit  | 1.3.15-lp150.1.8  |
1.3.15-lp150.2.3.1  | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | python-tdb     | 1.3.15-lp150.1.8  |
1.3.15-lp150.2.3.1  | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | tdb-tools      | 1.3.15-lp150.1.8  |
1.3.15-lp150.2.3.1  | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | wpa_supplicant | 2.6-lp150.3.3.1   |
2.6-lp150.3.6.1     | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | xdm            | 1.1.11-lp150.10.1 |
1.1.11-lp150.11.3.1 | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | xdm-xsession   | 1.1.11-lp150.10.1 |
1.1.11-lp150.11.3.1 | x86_64
v | SUSE:Leap-15.0-Update-Test | xfsprogs       | 4.15.0-lp150.2.1  |
4.15.0-lp150.3.4.1  | x86_64
Fri 26 Oct 19:10:07 CEST 2018
linux-2iyu:~ # (zypper patch --with-update || echo 'exit status' $? ; date )
2>&1 |tee -a ~/zypper.log
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Patch '9072-1' is optional. Use 'zypper in patch:9072' to install it, or
'--with-optional' to include all optional patches.
Resolving package dependencies...

The following 4 NEW patches are going to be installed:
  9067 9071 9073 9074

The following 11 packages are going to be upgraded:
  kmod kmod-compat libkmod2 libtdb1 libtdb1-32bit python-tdb tdb-tools
wpa_supplicant xdm xdm-xsession xfsprogs

11 packages to upgrade.
Overall download size: 2.6 MiB. Already cached: 0 B. After the operation,
additional 1.9 MiB will be used.
Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y):

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