What | Removed | Added |
Status | NEW | RESOLVED |
Resolution | --- | INVALID |
You're not on a host but on a router, see comment 4: net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1 net.ipv6.conf.br0.forwarding = 1 A router (kernel) ignores RAs and does not autoconfigure the interfaces, so all the autoconf=1, ... have no effect. Please either configure the kernel to process the RA using: net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra = 2 (see https://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt#1463) in /etc/sysctl.d/... or /etc/sysconfig/network/ifsysctl[-br0] or to not use the along with auto (=follow RA) mode, but use the following in your ifcfg file: DHCLIENT6_MODE=managed DHCLIENT6_ADDRESS_LENGTH=64 The RA provides the following "bits" for the statefull autoconfiguration alias dhcp6: AdvManagedFlag on ## DHCLIENT6_MODE=auto -> managed: get IP + DNS,NTP or AdvOtherConfigFlag on ## DHCLIENT6_MODE=auto -> info: get DNS,NTP config only AdvDefaultLifetime > 0 ## causes to add an ipv6 default route (dhcp6 does not have options for routing) prefix ${prefix}/${prefix_length} { AdvOnLink on; ## usable in dhcp6 for ip a a $IP/${prefix_length} } Without the prefix-length and an On-Link hint in the RA, dhcp6 is mandated by RFC5942 to assume $IP/128 -- in combination with missing default route due to discarded RA, you're not even able to reach hosts in your local network...