Bug ID 965192
Summary openssh: chroot jail for restricted access with SFTP clients fails
Classification openSUSE
Product openSUSE Distribution
Version 13.2
Hardware Other
OS Other
Status NEW
Severity Normal
Priority P5 - None
Component Other
Assignee bnc-team-screening@forge.provo.novell.com
Reporter bjoernv@arcor.de
QA Contact qa-bugs@suse.de
Found By ---
Blocker ---

I tried to create a restricted user "steve". Steve should only have access to
his home folder /home/steve. I followed the following guides:

Restrict SFTP users to home folder

Trying to use jail users to home directories

With some openSUSE specifics this was:

1) Modification of /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
LogLevel DEBUG3

Match Group sftponly
    ChrootDirectory %h
    ForceCommand /usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server
    AllowTcpForwarding no

2) User setup for "steve"
   $ useradd -m steve
   $ passwd steve
   $ groupadd sftponly
   $ usermod steve -g sftponly
   $ usermod steve -s /bin/false
   $ usermod steve -d /mnt/steve

3) Bind mount for /home/steve

   $ mount --rbind /home/steve /mnt/steve
   $ mount -o remount,nodev,nosuid /mnt/steve/

Steve can not access SFTP anyway (error "Write failed: Broken pipe").

Systemd journal shows:
Feb 04 17:46:03 cecilia sshd[14357]: debug1: SELinux support disabled
Feb 04 17:46:03 cecilia sshd[14357]: debug1: PAM: establishing credentials
Feb 04 17:46:03 cecilia sshd[14357]: debug3: safely_chroot: checking '/'
Feb 04 17:46:03 cecilia sshd[14357]: debug3: safely_chroot: checking '/mnt/'
Feb 04 17:46:03 cecilia sshd[14357]: debug3: safely_chroot: checking
Feb 04 17:46:03 cecilia sshd[14357]: fatal: chroot into directory without nodev
and either noexec or nosuid

But "nodev" and "nosuid" is set for mount /mnt/steve:
$ mount
/dev/sda3 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered)
/dev/sda3 on /mnt/steve type ext4

Debugging shows, that function "test_nosuid" will probably only check "/"-mount
(without nosuid, nodev), but not "/mnt/steve". Unfortunately there is no
debuginfo package for openssh-6.6p1-5.3.1.x86_64 so that debugging is not

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