Comment # 6 on bug 1229795 from Dr. Werner Fink
(In reply to Henk van Velden from comment #3)
> Sorry, but I do not see what Debian has to do with it. We are reporting
> about openSUSE.
> When people see it is the same in other distributions, then it is probably
> an upstream bug.

Indeed upstream bug ... whereas I had already patched bash_completion
script for bug boo#958462:

--- bash-completion-2.12.0/bash_completion
+++ bash-completion-2.12.0/bash_completion      2024-02-23 08:12:55.346856835
@@ -3047,11 +3047,12 @@ complete -F _comp_complete_longopt -o fi
     a2ps awk base64 bash bc bison cat chroot colordiff cp \
     csplit cut date df diff dir du enscript expand fmt fold gperf \
     grep grub head irb ld ldd less ln m4 mkdir mkfifo mknod \
-    mv nl nm objcopy objdump od paste pr ptx readelf rm rmdir \
+    mv nl nm objcopy objdump od paste pr ptx readelf \
     sed shar sort split strip sum tac tail tee \
     texindex touch tr unexpand uniq vdir wc who
 complete -F _comp_complete_longopt -o default env netstat seq uname units
 complete -F _comp_complete_longopt -o bashdefault -o default -o filenames ls
ll la l ls-l lf
+complete -F _comp_complete_longopt -o bashdefault -o default -o filenames rm

 # @since 2.12
 declare -Ag _comp_xspecs

... otherwise more that the equal sign would be mishandled.  But the original

  complete -F _comp_complete_longopt -o filenames rm

also fails.

Btw: Upstream never accepted the fix above, they want a test case.
Try to report this upstream, maybe this bears fruits ...

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