Comment # 15 on bug 872908 from
I successfully installed openSUSE-13.2 on the same PC that had the (32-bit installations fail
with YaST error) and it appears the problem is fixed.  I did have to install
with safe settings and I do not know if that is related or different.  But I
was successful in the end with this install despite the old PC I am using not
having SSE2 support (its an MSI KT3 Ultra motherboard, with an athlon 1100 cpu,
and 2-GBytes of RAM).

This is another example of the fix applied in this bug report working. :-)

In many cases (boot and application execution) on this 32-bit install it does
subjectively appear openSUSE executes faster with openSUSE-13.2 than it did
with the older 12.3 on the same hardware.

Many thanks for applying this fix. I know it was a controversal decision - and
the efforts here are VERY MUCH appreciated.

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