Comment # 11 on bug 902974 from
Without python-systemd, fail2ban is also completely useless as it can't read
logs. Issue is in tumbleweed. I see that's report in #6 and #7 but this bug has
grown a beard and wanted to add a workaround. (copy pasta from an old reddit
thread I wrote)


I've presumed you may use python 2 or 3 so we compile both (subject to
#update-alternatives etc).

#zypper in fail2ban python-devel python-pip git python3-pip gcc python3-devel
#mkdir /tmp/pysd
#cd /tmp/pysd
#git clone
#cd python-systemd
#make systemd/id128-constants.h
#pip3 install .
#pip2 install .

Edit the local config file

#vi /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

Add under the [DEFAULT] header (or make one at the top)

backend = systemd

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