Comment # 5 on bug 936768 from
Martin, to my understanding this cannot workaround the libzypp bug.
libzypp will be fixed to only respect recommends for already installed packages
concerning language, hardware, filesystem and not (as now) for all packages.

When I have worked on 'zypper' and planned to provide language support I talked
 to Michel how to workaround the bug. This was outcome:

Locale handling:
Add/remove language packages:

 1. save state of flag 'ignoreRecommendedForAlreadyInstalled' and set
    it to 'false' (if not already done)
 2. solve to get list of recommends before adding the locale
    (all packages having transact-flag set, see )libzypp/zypp/ResStatus.h
 3. soft lock these packages
 4. add locale and solve again -> list of language dependent packages
 5. remove soft lock
 6. reset initial state of 'ignoreRecommendedForAlreadyInstalled'

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