Comment # 3 on bug 1213489 from Luciano Santos
OK, I installed ibus-mozc following the wiki article [1] (but I didn't need to
put this in my shell RC file:

> export GTK_IM_MODULE=ibus
> export QT_IM_MODULE=ibus
> export XMODIFIERS=@im=ibus
> ibus-daemon -drx

And everything works just fine for me (as seen in the attachments). But I have
to say, no matter whether legacy applications use "adwaita (default)" theme, or
"adwaita-dark", ibus' pop up window is always dark here.

Another thing worth to mention, I think, is that I'm on Tumbleweed, but I'm on
GNOME:Next too, so I already have 45 alpha/beta releases on my system.

Those are the ibus packages I have installed:

> $ zypper se --installed-only 'ibus*'
> Loading repository data...
> Reading installed packages...
> S   Name             Summary                                          Type
> i   ibus             The "Intelligent Input Bus" input method         package
> i   ibus-dict-emoji  Emoji dictionary for IBus                        package
> i+  ibus-gtk         IBus input method support for gtk2 applications  package
> i+  ibus-gtk3        IBus input method support for gtk3 applications  package
> i+  ibus-gtk4        IBus input method support for gtk4 applications  package
> i+  ibus-hangul      The Hangul engine for IBus input platform        package
> i+  ibus-input-pad   Input Pad for IBus                               package
> i+  ibus-kkc         Japanese Kana Kanji input engine for IBus        package
> i+  ibus-mozc        The Mozc engine for IBus                         package

And those are anything Adwaita:

> $ zypper se --installed-only adwaita
> Loading repository data...
> Reading installed packages...
> S   Name                               Summary                                        Type
> i   adwaita-icon-theme                 GNOME Icon Theme                               package
> i   adwaita-qt5                        Adwaita Qt5 theme                              package
> i+  adwaita-qt6                        Adwaita Qt6 theme                              package
> i   gtk2-metatheme-adwaita             GTK+ 2 support for the Adwaita GNOME theme     package
> i   gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita        Adwaita GTK+ Theming Engine                    package
> i   gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita-32bit  Adwaita GTK+ Theming Engine                    package
> i   gtk3-metatheme-adwaita             GTK+ 3 support for the Adwaita GNOME theme     package
> i   libadwaita-1-0                     Building blocks for modern GNOME applications  package
> i   libadwaitaqt5-1                    Adwaita Qt5 library                            package
> i   libadwaitaqt6-1                    Adwaita Qt6 library                            package
> i   metatheme-adwaita-common           Common files for the Adwaita GNOME theme       package


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