Comment # 4 on bug 990362 from
(In reply to Wolfgang Bauer from comment #3)
> We probably could remove this file (and the other KDE4 ones that might still
> be included in our kde-l10n-de packages), but it's probably not worth the
> effort.
> I think I read they were going to be removed upstream soon anyway.

I suggested that also in my bug report. After all it just confused me, but is
not a bug.

> plasma5-pk-updates is not part of the regular KDE Application releases, so
> its translations are not part of kde-l10n either.
> Actually there don't seem to be any releases at all for a long time, the
> last one is the outdated 0.2 (from April 2015, see
> which we use and apply
> a couple of patches upon.

I inspected that location and found a remark that the project was moved to
The maintainer is still Luk���� Tinkl. The last change is from 3 days ago.

> We have a separate tar ball with the translations in the plasma5-pk-updates
> package sources that gets published as plasma-pk-updates-lang.
> The translations are part of KDE's SVN (like all other KDE translations),
> but I don't know a way to easily download all of the current ones for
> plasma-pk-updates only.

In the for this project I don't see anything about how
translations are handled. I only see scripts that provide the .pot
files. So there must be a separate system to handle the .po files.

Anyway I have the feeling that the source of the translations should come from
another location.

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