Wolfgang Rosenauer changed bug 1095749
What Removed Added
Flags needinfo?(wolfgang@rosenauer.org)  

Comment # 4 on bug 1095749 from
What I did was:
- installing Leap 15.0 in a new partition
- after installation I copied of the repo files from /etc/zypp/repos.d from my
  existing 42.3 installation to the fresh install
- afterwards I changed the 42.3 reference to 15.0 manually and got those
  for most of my repos

I have no idea what kind of services we are talking about anyway. Probably some
enterprise feature?

Hygiea:/etc/zypp/repos.d # zypper lr -d mozilla-beta
Alias                       : mozilla-beta                                      
Name                        : mozilla-beta                                      
URI                         :
Aktiviert                   : Ja                                                
GPG-�berpr�fung             : (r ) Ja                                           
Priorit�t                   : 99 (Standard-Priorit�t)                           
Automatische Aktualisierung : Am                                                
Pakete beibehalten          : Aus                                               
Typ                         : rpm-md                                            
GPG-Schl�ssel-URI           :                                                   
Pfad-Pr�fix                 : /                                                 
�bergeordneter Dienst       :                                                   
Schl�sselw�rter             : ---                                               
Repo-Info-Pfad              : /etc/zypp/repos.d/mozilla-beta.repo               
MD-Cache-Pfad               : /var/cache/zypp/raw/mozilla-beta     

(also nice:   "Automatische Aktualisierung : Am" - "Am" - was?)

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