Comment # 14 on bug 906687 from
(In reply to Atri Bhattacharya from comment #13)
> Bjorn,
> Would it be ok to get in latexila 3.14.1 -> 3.14.2 too? The update is
> already in Publishing, and if it seems ok, I can do an sr to your branch
> repo.

Please do like this for the next package you want added (you are added as
maintainer of the "work branch"

bjolie@embla:~/build/boo906687> osc branch openSUSE:13.2:Update latexila
A working copy of the branched package can be checked out with:

osc co home:Zaitor:boo906687/latexila
bjolie@embla:~/build/boo906687> osc copypac -K Publishing latexila
Copying files...
<revision rev="2" vrev="2">
  <comment>osc copypac from project:Publishing package:latexila revision:27,
using keep-link</comment>

bjolie@embla:~/build/boo906687> osc co -c home:Zaitor:boo906687/latexila
A    /home/bjolie/build/boo906687/latexila
A    /home/bjolie/build/boo906687/latexila/latexila-3.14.2.tar.xz
A    /home/bjolie/build/boo906687/latexila/latexila.changes
A    /home/bjolie/build/boo906687/latexila/latexila.spec
At revision 628a7db3998914fd6df9fbceddc6bca5.
bjolie@embla:~/build/boo906687> cd latexila/
bjolie@embla:~/build/boo906687/latexila> vi latexila.changes 

Mon Nov  3 15:31:31 UTC 2014 -

- Update to version 3.14.2 (boo#906887):
  + Build: a file was missing in tarballs
  + Add keywords to latexila.desktop
  + Translation updates.

"latexila.changes" 210L, 7910C skrevet
bjolie@embla:~/build/boo906687/latexila> osc ci -m "Add boo ref"
Sending    latexila.changes
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 3.


On an other note, I've decided that doing the lang packages was wrong - removed

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