Michael Andres changed bug 990425
What Removed Added
CC   dimstar@opensuse.org
Flags needinfo?(zypp-maintainers@forge.provo.novell.com) needinfo?(dimstar@opensuse.org)

Comment # 15 on bug 990425 from
> http://download.opensuse.org/update/leap/42.1/oss/repodata/
> d5ad30410c4be3bc3b4e55d34a20dd375417aa9ce216ad7468836eef256448bc-appdata.xml.gz

The file contains broken metadata. The application name is defined as multiline
string including the translated summaries:

>  <component>
>    <name>Calibre Ebook Reader<p>calibre is the one stop solu...</p>
>      <p xml:lang="ca">El calibre ��s la soluci�� completa per ...</p>
>      <p xml:lang="it">calibre �� la soluzione definitiva ai  ...</p>
>      <p xml:lang="cs">Calibre je jedin�� ��e��en�� pro v��echny p...</p>
>      ...
>  </name>

That's why you get a mess if the application is included in the list:

> $ zypper se calibre| cut -c -30
> Loading repository data...
> Reading installed packages...
> S | Name                      
> --+---------------------------
>   | Calibre Ebook Readercalibr
>       El calibre ��s la soluci��
>       calibre �� la soluzione d
>       Calibre je jedin�� ��e��en��
>       calibre on vahepeatustet
>       calibre es la soluci��n ��
>       calibre ������ ���������������������� 
>       calibre is de complete o
>       O Calibre �� a solu����o ce
>       calibre t��m e-kitap ihti
>       calibre ir vienas pietur
>       Calibre er fullna��arlaus
>       calibre to jedna odpowie
>       calibre est la solution 
>       Calibre ist die Komplett
>       calibre ��� ����������������, ���� ��
>       O calibre �� a solu����o de
>       Calibre���������������������������������������������������
>       calibre ��r en samlad l��s
>       calibre adalah penyelesa
>       You can use calibre to c
>       Podeu utilitzar el calib
>       Calibre m����ete pou����vat 
>       Puede usar calibre para 
>       ���� ������������ ������������������������ c
>       U kunt gebruik maken van
>       Pode usar o Calibre para
>       Calibre'yi kitaplar��n��z��
>       Calibre ir izmantojama J
>       H��gt er a�� nota calibre 
>       Mo��esz u��y�� calibre do k
>       Vous pouvez utiliser cal
>       Mit Calibre k��nnen Sie I
>       ���� ������������ ������������������������ c
>       Voc�� pode usar o calibre
>       Calibre���������������������������������������������������
>       Du kan anv��nda calibre f
>       Anda boleh guna calibre 
>      | The one stop solution t
>   | calibre                   
>   | calibre                   
>   | calibre                   

Remember that 'zypper se' default is to match substrings. If you use an exact
match to omit the brokenmatch, it looks fine:

> $ zypper se -x calibre
> Loading repository data...
> Reading installed packages...
> S | Name    | Summary                      | Type       
> --+---------+------------------------------+------------
>   | calibre | EBook Management Application | package    
>   | calibre | Ebook reader                 | application
>   | calibre | EBook Management Application | srcpackage 

@DominiqUe: This looks like a broken metadata generator?

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