Comment # 3 on bug 1204658 from

thank you for your advice. I had a look on the document you provided, and
especially on the section concerning the "New Classification Filter: Retracted

When I do this on my 15.3 box, it looks the same for some packages where older
versions exist which have been retracted in the past. In this case the
"Retracted Packages" filter in the upper part of the windows shows the package,
and the installed version and / or the available one. But this version shown -
in the document on github it is for the package hello - is not
neccessarilly the one which is retracted. To track it down which is the
retracted one I have to go to the Versions tab in the lower part of the window
to see which version is retracted and then I can see, that this version isn't
installed at all.

For me this is somehow misleading. I would expect that only versions are
showing up in the upper part of the window which are really retracted, no
matter if they are installed or not. 

Different to the example in the document in my case I am dealing with a
retracted kernel version. In yast2 this looks a bit different because I am
using the multi kernel feature of zypp allowing me to have multiple kernel
versions installed. Like my sreenshot shows I do not see which of the versions
is retracted - there is no red entry at all - and also there is no remark
[RETRACTED] which would help to figure it out. I only know from

that the 5.3.18-150300.59.81.1 version is the retracted one. What will happen
when I uninstall it? Will the actual kernel installed still be shown using the
"Retracted Installed Packages" filter, because the kernel is installed and
somewhere in the past there was a version which has been retracted?



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