Ruarí Ødegaard changed bug 1219420
What Removed Added

Comment # 2 on bug 1219420 from Ruarí Ødegaard
Here is a simpler test to demostrate the issue

• Fetch a test icon like so


• Use xdg-icon-resource to install it

    sudo xdg-icon-resource install --size 256 File:OpenSUSE_button_bling.png
--novendor xdgtest

Expected result: No error messages and the file should be installed


You can check the file is present like so (assuming a more advanced shell like
ksh, bash, zsh, etc.)

    find /usr/{local/,}share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps -name xdgtest.png

The file can then be removed with a standard `rm` command or you should also be
able to use xdg-icon-resource like so:

    sudo xdg-icon-resource uninstall --size 256 xdgtest

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