Some remarks: That the initrd needs a matching inst-sys and does not work with an inst-sys from an older or newer build is there from the beginning, the bad thing only was, that the check got broken and now fixed again. The amount to download for an user is different: - Mini-ISO with inst-sys, one machine to install: the amount to download is the same as with a Mini-ISO without inst-sys. - Mini-ISO with inst-sys, several machines to install: the amount to download is much, much smaller than with a Mini-ISO without inst-sys. Mini-ISO without inst-sys: user has to download the image again with every new snapshot. Mini-ISO with inst-sys: CD could be re-used to install a newer snapshot. Currently I see no disadvantage for openSUSE users with a Mini-ISO with inst-sys, only for a Mini-ISO without inst-sys. But I'm absolut neutral in whatever you choose.