Comment # 5 on bug 970653 from
Dear Wolfgang,

with Plasma 5 KDE what used to be a "Task Bar" is now the "Panel" and, the
"System Tray" is the Widget which contains things such as "Touchpad", "Kate
Sessions", Printers" and so on - the description is "Access hidden applications
minimised in the system tray".

So,your point "But note that if the chosen desktop theme doesn't provide the
corresponding graphics, Plasma will fall back to the default theme which is
breeze.", has lead me to check which parts of Oxygen5 are currently installed:
 - oxygen5-icon-theme
 - oxygen5-icon-theme-large

I'm currently downloading oxygen5-icon-scheme-scalable: 235.74 MiB download
size. Yes, it's not normally needed but, let's see if the 1st of March patches
have changed something . . .

Best regards

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