Comment # 32 on bug 1218864 from Michael Chang
The obs repository containing  the test package:

For openSUSE Tumbleweed, you may follow the procedure to install the test

> zypper ar --repo
> zypper ref
> zypper dup --from home_michael-chang_bsc_1218864 --allow-vendor-change

And this procedure to remove the test package:

> zypper rr home_michael-chang_bsc_1218864
> zypper dup --allow-vendor-change

For uefi, you may have to disable secure boot because the test grub.efi is not
signed by SUSE. Optionally it is possible to keep secure boot on, but you have
entrust the key of my home project by enrolling it into "Machine Owner Key"
(MOK) keyring.

> mokutil --import /usr/share/efi/x86_64/grub.der


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