Johannes Meixner changed bug 911312
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Comment # 2 on bug 911312 from
Your attachment#618433 [details] contains:
... Unknown directive BrowseOrder on line 6 of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.
... Unknown directive BrowseAllow on line 7 of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.
... Unknown browse protocol "CUPS" ignored.

... Please move "SystemGroup root" on line 2 of /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
 to the /etc/cups/cups-files.conf file; this will become an error
 in a future release.

... Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstotiff

This indicates that you use a newer CUPS version (e.g. 1.7.5)
with an old cupsd.conf file (e.g. from CUPS version 1.5.4)
and with incomplete filtering e.g. the cups-filters RPM plus
all its recommended packages may be (partially) missing.

To list missing recommended packages run
 # zypper -v install-new-recommends -D

You need to clean up your printing system.

use CUPS 1.5.4 with its traditional built-in PostScript
filtering workflow
use CUPS 1.7.5 with the new separated PDF filtering workflow
that is provided by the cups-filters-* packages.
For background information see bug#735404 and

In particular regarding "filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstotiff"
see bug#899405

Perhaps only
 # zypper install --force cups-filters-ghostscript
 # rccups restart
is sufficient to make it work again for you, cf.

Roger Larsson,
because you wrote "fresh install from Thumbleweed"
I like to know the ordering how the cups* RPMs have been installed.
Please provide the output of
 # rpm -qa --last | grep '^cups'

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