Comment # 16 on bug 1176949 from
(In reply to Andras Szerencses from comment #14)
> (In reply to Pete D from comment #13)
> Right back atcha. Goodness, what is this generation we live in? Hurry up and
> learn some respect and get some knowledge how bug reports works, it's not a
> social whatever. Details and solutions should be given here not childish
> expressions.
> Even if you donated you sit next to computer with a blessed and free distro
> on it and they're the one who helped you out at the first hand. Do you wanna
> help? If yes then here is an option:
> #1 Close YaST and YaST Software if they're open
> #2 open up your console
> #3 su
> #4 Y2DEBUG=1 /sbin/yast2 2>&1 | tee /home/"yourusername"/y2debug_yast.txt
> (obviously replace "yourusername" with your actual user name)
> #5 Open Software Management in Yast
> #6 Do the steps what makes YaST Software to crash on your system. (I assume
> it's the packages under Main Repository (OSS) and Main Update Repository)
> #7 Back in your console type quit
> #8 Around the top of the page of this particular bug report you find a
> section called Attachments and Click on Add an attachment then attach the
> file called y2debug_yast.txt in your home directory and submit it with some
> description like y2debug for YaST Software crash. Also optional to give some
> details related to your computer in Comments section.

Bad move! Having a go at me. Just saying.
Secondly, blessed? Ain���t no one blessed to use a free distro. Why shouldn���t it
be free? Blessed would be when the the bug is not present to begin with.
Thirdly, I posted that comment in frustration, because I had over 60 packages
selected when it then crashed. So pardon me for being human and being
Lastly, I can���t help now because I decided to delete openSUSE and use a
different distro that doesn���t force close its package manager. This bug made me
hate openSUSE and made me switch for good to something else.
Have a good one, byeeee

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