Comment # 18 on bug 1225296 from Felix Miata
(In reply to Stefan Dirsch from comment #17)
> (In reply to Felix Miata from comment #16)
> > I don't understand this. My own NVidias have never while in my possession
> > been used with proprietary drivers. Mine normally run on nouveau kernel &
> > drm, modesetting DIX, as inxi suggests.

> Because of this in comment#12

> [...]
> 390.xx+ status: legacy (EOL~2022-11-22) last: release: 390.157
> [....]

Had I understood that OP's device was a Tesla, I would not have included the
"Host: gb970" inxi output, as that and its 390.157 are Fermi, not Tesla.

> This is clearly G04 proprietary driver still found on your system somehow by
> inxi.

What it is reporting there is the proprietary driver version applicable to that
device ID. It is part of the extended information option "a" of inxi I use when
desiring to show maximum detail of the Display, Screen & Monitor information
that follows "G"'s device information.

"driver: nouveau" on the "Device-1" line shows the loaded kernel module. In
comment #16 I used inxi -GSxxz instead of -GSaz, where you can note that
additional information was excluded.

# inxi -G | wc -lm
      9     475
# inxi -Gx | wc -lm
     10     576
# inxi -Gxx | wc -lm
     17     881
# inxi -Gxxx | wc -lm
     19    1076
# inxi -Ga | wc -lm
     21    1300

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