Comment # 2 on bug 1137203 from
Thanks for posting the script, I was just going to ask. ;)

I haven't touched the Tcl/Tk packages for quite some time, so I suspect
something else is causing the problem.

In the video I see that there is a window appearing at the top left corner of
the screen, but it seems to be undecorated and lacking the text (which could
indicate a font problem), or it is mostly off-screen, so that only its right
edge can be seen.

Let's modify the script, and add an image to the label, so that we can see
something even if the text is missing for some reason:

--- snip ---

image create photo logo -file $tk_library/demos/images/tcllogo.gif
label .hello -compound bottom -text "Hello World: Tcl/Tk" -image logo
pack .hello
wm geometry . +100+100
--- snap ---

The result should be the Tcl/Tk logo (a blue feather on a red background) with
the "Hello World" message written above it. I am also moving the window a bit
off the edge of the screen, so that we can better see what's going on.

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