Markus Zimmermann changed bug 1182227
What Removed Added

Comment # 48 on bug 1182227 from
I am trying to get an auto-setup working with MicroOS over Combustion. I think
this is still a problem with now NetworkManager.

I am on MicroOS 20220712. I gave up on Ingition and am now trying Combustion.
Which does not set a static IP. The script is run but the end result is again
an IP coming from the DHCPC instead of the static one here. This is the
configuration file:

# combustion: network
# Redirect output to the console
exec > >(exec tee -a /dev/tty0) 2>&1

# Set a password for root, generate the hash with "openssl passwd -6"
echo 'root:...' | chpasswd -e

# Add a public ssh key and enable sshd
mkdir -pm700 /root/.ssh/
echo '...' >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
systemctl enable sshd.service

# Set up hostname and network
nmcli general hostname
nmcli connection add con-name "enp1s0" ifname enp1s0 type ethernet ip4 gw4
nmcli connection up "enp1s0" ifname enp1s0
nmcli connection delete "Wired Connection"
nmcli connection reload

# Leave a marker
echo "Configured with combustion" >> /etc/issue.d/combustion
echo "" >> /etc/issue.d/combustion

Doing the "nmcli" commands by hand after the host is IP, works. Even after
reboot. So i am pulling my heads out why this is not working with Combustion,
which was meant for such cases, right?!

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