Comment # 6 on bug 1206067 from
Hello. I can confirm that I can now install the OpenSceneGraph-plugins rpm.
Thanks for that. 

The only problem is that now the packages inside the "PackageHub" are not
matching the packages inside "Updates SLE Module Desktop Applications SP4" (and
maybe other updates repos?)

If I type sudo zypper update I get following output:

The following 6 package updates will NOT be installed:
  libavcodec58_134 libavformat58_76 libavutil56_70 libpostproc55_9
libswresample3_9 libswscale5_9

All those packages have updates, example: 
zypper se -s libavcodec58_134
S  | Name             | Type    | Version           | Arch   | Repository
v  | libavcodec58_134 | package | 4.4-150400.3.11.1 | x86_64 | Updates SLE
Module Desktop Applications SP4
v  | libavcodec58_134 | package | 4.4-150400.3.8.1  | x86_64 | Updates SLE
Module Desktop Applications SP4
v  | libavcodec58_134 | package | 4.4-150400.3.5.1  | x86_64 | Updates SLE
Module Desktop Applications SP4
v  | libavcodec58_134 | package | 4.4-150400.3.2.1  | x86_64 | Updates SLE
Module Desktop Applications SP4
i+ | libavcodec58_134 | package | 4.4-150400.1.13   | x86_64 | Products SLE
Module Desktop Applications SP4
i+ | libavcodec58_134 | package | 4.4-150400.1.13   | x86_64 |

But the ones inside packageHub provide only the 1.13:
zypper se -s libavresample4_0

S | Name             | Type    | Version         | Arch   | Repository
i | libavresample4_0 | package | 4.4-150400.1.13 | x86_64 | Products SLE Module
Packagehub Subpackages SP4

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