Comment # 4 on bug 1195463 from
Hmm, that's interesting[tm] - in theory it should work with these packages.

The log in your initial bugreport looks like you didn't have the updated
profiles yet, therefore a few questions:
- do you still see the same DENIED lines in /var/log/audit/audit.log ?
- can you show the lines for the samba and apparmor packages from
  /var/log/zypp/history ? (The timestamp is relevant for the next question.)
- when the profiles were reloaded during installing the update, does audit.log
  say   operation="profile_replace" info="same as current profile, skipping" 
  or just   operation="profile_replace"   for the   smbd   profile?
  (If it has "same as current profile", there might be something interesting
  with your cache.)
  See [1] below regarding timestamps in audit.log.

Speaking about the cache - I'd also be interested in the result of

ls -l /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.smbd /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.smbd*

to see the timestamps of your profile, included local files, and the cache

With some luck, the output of above ls already explains the problem - my wild
guess is that your /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.smbd-shares could be newer
than the packaged profile, and therefore the cache looks "new enough".

If you want to search for the audit.log entries at the time of installing the
update yourself, you might wonder where the timestamp in audit.log hides - it's
at the beginning of the line at msg=audit(1644003177 (as unix timestamp) and  
date -d @1644003177   will translate it  to a human-readable date. 

For the other way round (translating the timestamp from zypper.log to a unix
timestamp) you can use   date +%s -d '2022-02-04 20:05'

If you don't want to search for the relevant audit.log timestamp, just provide
the zypp/history sniplet and attach your full audit.log.

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