Bug ID 1011110
Summary Boot process with required crypttab password stucks with black screen
Classification openSUSE
Product openSUSE Distribution
Version Leap 42.2
Hardware x86-64
OS Other
Status NEW
Severity Normal
Priority P5 - None
Component Basesystem
Assignee bnc-team-screening@forge.provo.novell.com
Reporter yanestra@arcor.de
QA Contact qa-bugs@suse.de
Found By ---
Blocker ---

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101
Build Identifier: 

My /etc/crypttab requires a password entered for several partitions.

When booting, in about 2/3 of the cases the screen remains black and nothing
ever happends. Keyboard still usable (Num lock on/off, Ctrl-Alt-Del works), but
anything else apparently unresponded.

In 1/3 of the cases I get a green screen with a password entry field in the
bottom, and provided I enter the password correctly, everything boots up fine.

Unsimilar to 42.1, I don't succeed to get to a kernel-message log screen by
pressing Esc while booting, so I can't comment on how far the boot process
actually is.

Reproducible: Sometimes

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Set up an dmcrypt ecnrypted partition with entry in /etc/crypttab, password
field "none", so that it will be asked for.
2. Reboot.
Actual Results:  
2/3 of the cases: The system gets stuck with a black screen with no message or
life sign whatsoever.

1/3 of the cases (correctly): green SUSE boot screen with password entry field.

Expected Results:  
The system shoukd ask for a encryption password.


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