> That thread is 2 years old and actually about the VolumeOverdrive feature, > i.e. that PulseAudio/pavucontrol allow to crank up the volume to 153%, but > this is shown by KMix as 100%. So PA's 100% volume would be shown as 66% by > KMix. You are right. Playing a system sounds raises up the master volume slider and the system sound slider to 66% each, regardless of their prior setting. > Yes. But openSUSE has a patch for this since 13.1. Then the patch did and does not work. As far I can see, there are others (Forum-Thread) for which the patch did not help. > Are you really using the package kdebase4-runtime from the distribution? Definitively, I am on the distribution version. However, I upgraded my system from 12.3 (probably without patch) to 13.1 and then to 13.2 and did no clean install inbetween. Could there be some cadaver files or settings left over? > > Any workaround? > > Yes, several: > - turn off PulseAudio (YaST->Hardware->Sound->Other->PulseAudio > Configuration) or uninstall it Ok, seems to be rather hard. > - set "flat-volumes = no" in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf, this will prevent any > application from changing the overall volume Then my music player cannot make it louder also. Or am I missing something? > - you could also set a lower volume in the notifications settings, but that > is removed/disabled by openSUSE's patch, but have a look into > ~/.kde4/share/config/knotifyrc and modify the "Volume=" setting to a lower > value (I'm not sure whether this has any effect though) Would be the best workaround (despite a patch) in my eyes, however, as you have suspected, it has no effect. Thanx, Chris