Right, but this refers to old style solver testcases using .xml-files. New style uses yaml. But more importantly, there is no more support for '<graphic>', neither in xml nor in yaml. A solver testcase contains information about all packages and all their dependencies. This is the same information we have available inside zypper to resolve your queries. The information the solver uses for the dependency resolution. It would not be hard for zypper to compute a dependency graph and write it to a .dot-file[1]. This is indeed far easier done inside zypp, than trying to retrieve and combine all the information via queries. The problem - as always - is to layout and render the graph in a way so you can recognize the information you are looking for. I once rendered `what requires glibc' with Gephi[2] and the result looks more like a painting. For sure nothing you would like to be written to a terminal, so I pinned it to my wall. [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOT_%28graph_description_language%29 [2] https://gephi.org/ Regarding '<graphic>': Years ago, yast(qt) provided a libqdialogsolver1 package which was able to layout and render a dependency graph. Jano used this widget to implement the '<graphic>' feature. At this time the libzypp-testsuite-tools package also contained a QT4 based application named deptestomatic.multi, which was able to show this simple graph and YASTs package selector used it as well. But libqdialogsolver1 was dropped in 2014 and so the deptestomatic.multi. The layout was too simple to be usefull if the tree became a bit more complex.