Comment # 36 on bug 1190646 from
localhost:~> rpm --changelog -q xf86-input-evdev
* Mi Mai 30 2018
- upt to version 2.10.6
  * Since evdev is in maintenance mode there aren't a lot of
    features to go around but still a few important fixes. Andrey
    fixed the proximity event generation for tablets and the
    handling of devices without axes but buttons - previously
    those were assumed to be keyboards in the server. Better
    error reporting from Christian and the rest are build system
    fixes that went into all xorg repositories.

* Mo Mai 29 2017
- includes everything needed for missing sle issue entries:
  fate #320263, fate#315643-315645, 319159-319161, 319618 (bsc#1041371)
- 50-elotouch.conf: Make sure an 'TouchSystems CarrollTouch 4500U'
  is an absolute device (bnc#876089, bsc#1041371)

maybe I added package sources i should have not?

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