Christian Boltz changed bug 1220708
What Removed Added
Resolution --- FIXED

Comment # 2 on bug 1220708 from Christian Boltz
This looks like a combination of an old workaround for bnc#853019 (yes, from
bnc times) aka boo#853019 in combination with (probably) a change in what the
%service_del_postun_without_restart macro does. It seems to do nothing
nowadays, while in the past it at least did the systemctl daemon-reload IIRC.

Fortunately there's a better workaround in apparmor.service nowadays which
means I could drop the systemctl workaround and switch over to the
%service_del_postun macro.

Note: the fix was in %postun of apparmor-parser, which means you'll see the
warnings once more on the next update (caused by the currently installed

See SR 1154195 for the diff for this bugreport, and SR 1154197 towards Factory
(which includes some more changes).

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