Christian Bachmaier changed bug 905623
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Comment # 8 on bug 905623 from
Removing /usr/local/share/fonts/mscore/ariblk.ttf seems to help. However, the
attachted fc_debug.2.txt still contains font references to the mscore

> ... playing with fonts a lot ...

I copied the Microsoft Core Fonts under /usr/local/share/fonts to be able to
open ms office documents in LibreOffice. Imho tis is not uncommon, or even an
installation mistake. Further I have this fonts since SuSE 8 or so, and that
never made a problem. Only after updating (and doing nothing else with fonts)
to 13.2 breaks the fonts in yast2.

There are no other gtk, kde, or x applications (e.g. gimp, firefox) which show
this problem. Only yast2. Further, I did not configure the system settings (see
kde font settings attachement) to use any MS font. Thus, yast should not use
ariblk or some autodected font -> BUG. The system settings provide the right

Should I reset some config files somewhere, or something similar? Could I have
made an mistake?



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