Comment # 3 on bug 994415 from
"tty" does not change something

$ cat /proc/cmdline
root=UUID=57883ccb-f7a6-4497-b6d9-14ca895c6dd8 noresume console=ttyS0,115200
console=tty showopts

$ cat /proc/consoles
tty0                 -WU (EC p  )    4:1
ttyS0                -W- (E  p a)    4:64

BTW my initial bug report is wrong about "13.1 works". I have some 13.1 systems
which work and some which do not work.

This bug may be the same like his one

They don't say how they fixed it. But if the bug is in systemd then the fix is
between 230 and 231.

Maybe Werner's 6af62124, "ask-password: ask for passphrases not only on the
first console of /dev/console"

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