Comment # 9 on bug 1078487 from
Thanks for pointing me here. I originally created bug report 1079553.

The Microphone Mute/Unmute key on my Thinkpad T460 no longer works. All the
other shortcuts work.

I can toggle the microphone between mute and unmute by using:

- System tray Audio Volume Settings (key led also toggles)
- "amixer set Capture toggle" in terminal (key led also toggles)

Xev output also indicates shows me the key is recognized.

I think my issue and maybe this bug report is related to a new bug in KDE 5.12
as reported by these bugs too:

- (maybe)

I tried the latest TW Gnome snapshot and all the keyboard shortcuts work as
expected to.

A temporary workaround for me is to assign the Microphone key to bash script
executing "amixer set Capture toggle".

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