teo teo changed bug 1178596
What Removed Added
Flags needinfo?(teo8976@gmail.com)  

Comment # 10 on bug 1178596 from
> ktraderclient5 --mimetype x-scheme-handler/mailto
mimetype is : x-scheme-handler/mailto
got 3 offers.
---- Offer 0 ----
StartupNotify : 'TRUE'
TryExec : 'thunderbird'
Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
Type : 'Application'
Name : 'Thunderbird'
Comment : 'Mail/News Client'
GenericName : 'Mail/News Client'
Icon : 'thunderbird'
Exec : 'thunderbird %u'
Terminal : 'FALSE'
Invalid property TerminalOptions
Invalid property Path
ServiceTypes : 'x-scheme-handler/mailto - Application'
AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
InitialPreference : '1'
Invalid property Library
DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/thunderbird.desktop'
DesktopEntryName : 'thunderbird'
Keywords : ''
FormFactors : ''
Categories : 'Network - Email - GTK'
---- Offer 1 ----
NoDisplay : 'TRUE'
Type : 'Application'
Name : 'Thunderbird'
Comment : 'Custom definition for Thunderbird'
Invalid property GenericName
Invalid property Icon
Exec : '/usr/bin/thunderbird %u'
Terminal : 'FALSE'
Invalid property TerminalOptions
Invalid property Path
ServiceTypes : 'Application'
AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
InitialPreference : '1'
Invalid property Library
DesktopEntryPath :
DesktopEntryName : 'userapp-thunderbird-t02cs0'
Keywords : ''
FormFactors : ''
Categories : ''
---- Offer 2 ----
Invalid property Actions
StartupNotify : 'TRUE'
Invalid property UntranslatedGenericName
X-DBUS-ServiceName : 'org.kde.kmail'
X-DocPath : 'kmail2/index.html'
Type : 'Application'
Name : 'KMail'
Comment : 'Send, receive and manage your mail with KMail'
GenericName : 'Mail Client'
Icon : 'kmail'
Exec : 'kmail -qwindowtitle %c %u'
Terminal : 'FALSE'
Invalid property TerminalOptions
Invalid property Path
ServiceTypes : 'x-scheme-handler/mailto - Application'
AllowAsDefault : 'TRUE'
InitialPreference : '10'
Invalid property Library
DesktopEntryPath : '/usr/share/applications/org.kde.kmail2.desktop'
DesktopEntryName : 'org.kde.kmail2'
Keywords : ''
FormFactors : ''
Categories : 'Qt - KDE - Office - Network - Email'

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