Wolfgang Bauer changed bug 1124027
What Removed Added
CC   wbauer@tmo.at

Comment # 5 on bug 1124027 from
(In reply to Fabian Vogt from comment #4)
> You're using both 42.3 and 15.0 repos - that breaks your system.
> Remove all 42.3 repos, run "zypper dup" and reboot.

But zypper is broken as well, likely because libmodman from Leap 42.3 is
(In reply to Christopher Bruce from comment #0)
> crb999@linux-ox1l:~> sudo zypper in plasma5-workspace
> [sudo] password for crb999: 
> zypper: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/libproxy.so.1: undefined symbol:
> _ZN9libmodman14module_manager8load_dirENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_tr
> aitsIcESaIcEEEb

Installing the correct libmodman via rpm should hopefully fix that:
sudo rpm -Uvh --oldpackage

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