Comment # 3 on bug 1004954 from
(In reply to Wolfgang Bauer from comment #2)
> Please report different problems separately.
Sorry, I was in doubt and will do so accordingly in the future. 

> But let's see:
> (In reply to Stakanov Schufter from comment #0)
> > After updating the O.S. when starting Plasma you can observe following
> > behaviour:
> > a) desktop background if set if lost.
> May be related to bug#1003399, should be fixed in Plasma 5.8.1 which should
> be part of RC1.
I will try with RC1 and then report back here then. Thank you. 

> > b) icons form third party are shown in the list but partially not used.
> Running applications do not see changes in the icon theme, that's a known
> problem.
> See bug#1000519 and the upstream bug
> Deleting the icon cache (~/.cache/icon-cache.kcache) to be sure that there
> are no "wrong" icons in it and logging out/in should help.
I will try. In fact it helps also to choose a completely different icon set and
apply it than to return after a logout cycle. 
> > c) The Meteo plasmoid of 42.1 is taken over but presents a malformed display
> > with the temperature displayed outside and far from the plasmoid itself. 
> What is this Meteo plasmoid?
> The standard weather applet?
> I think something in this regard has been fixed upstream as well recently.
> Need to check though.
Shame on me, my desktop (and part of my chicken-brain) are working in Italian.
Yes it is the weather applet. The link provided is giving you a screen shot of
what it looks like. It is minor but I thought to tell because it came up after
an update from 42.1. 
> > Screen resolution: the resolution (during update on virtual machine kvm) was
> > NOT taken over from previous install which cause the task bar (set to hide
> > automatic) to fail.
> You mean settings from Plasma5 or KDE4?
> The latter are not migrated, yes.
> Not a new problem, and rather an upstream design decision.
Uhhh. I do not know. I was running 42.1 to be updated. Although I was using KDE
PIM version 4 I do not thing I was running KDE4. AFAIK 42.1 is running plasma
5. Thus the bug I report here is: the resolution settings were not taken over
from the standard desktop (plasma5?) of 42.1. Bear in mind however that this is
a KVM (I am not at my desk right now) so I do not trust virtualized machines to
behave as real ones when it comes to graphics. Still I reported to keep trace.
When I will be back I will be able to perform these steps on real nvidia
hardware, I will report back then (as long as you do not tell me that the
default desktop of 42.1 is kde4, I doubt it).

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