Comment # 4 on bug 905653 from
Your guess is wrong.;)
After the error appears, it allows me to go to expert settings where i can see
that /dev/sda is the intel ssd.
I also tried using fixparts from a gparted usb and it says that first partition
overlap the second one. Ok, it appears that fixpart has the option to repair
that. Tried to repair, rebooted, booted from the opensuse 13.2 usb, same
I could try deleting everything on this hdd reinstall windows and then retry
install opensuse again, but i`m afraid that the problem will persist.

Another interesting, maybe usefull info:
- opensuse 13.2 DVD starts and shows a text mode error that the source can not
be found and if i want to retry. It seems that it doesnt find the usb stick
that already booted. I choose no... went to expert mode choosed instalation
source and guess what... the usb stick is there.. i can choose it an the
instalation starts but after all that it gives the error that i told you in
this bug report.
- opensuse 13.2 live KDE starts without a problem but it gives the error that i
told you in this bug report.
@Neil: i have a mbr (gpt not usefull for a 120 ssd)
I will try a 13.1 installer.

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