Comment # 1 on bug 1219306 from Dominique Leuenberger
> zypper se -x --requires /usr/bin/python

S | Name                                   | Summary                           
                                | Type
  | boringssl-source                       | Source code of BoringSSL          
                                | package
  | connman-test                           | Test and example scripts for
connman                               | package
  | gap-recog                              | GAP: A collection of group
recognition methods                     | package
  | grpc-source                            | Source code of gRPC               
                                | package
  | hwmixvolume                            | GUI tool to set individual
hardware stream volumes                 | package
  | ketchup                                | Tool for downloading and updating
Linux kernel source trees        | package
  | mathomatic                             | Computer algebra system           
                                | package
  | neard-test                             | Files needed for NFC development  
                                | package
  | protobuf21-source                      | Source code of protobuf           
                                | package
  | python-devel                           | Include Files and Libraries
Mandatory for Building Python Modules  | package
  | python-gobject2                        | Python bindings for GObject       
                                | srcpackage
  | python-gtk-devel                       | Files needed to build wrappers for
GTK+ addon libraries            | package
  | python-idle                            | An Integrated Development
Environment for Python                   | package
  | regexploit                             | Find regular expressions
vulnerable to ReDoS                       | package
  | trilinos_14_0_0-gnu-mpich-hpc-devel    | Headers and development files for
trilinos_14_0_0-gnu-mpich-hpc    | package
  | trilinos_14_0_0-gnu-mvapich2-hpc-devel | Headers and development files for
trilinos_14_0_0-gnu-mvapich2-hpc | package
  | trilinos_14_0_0-gnu-openmpi4-hpc-devel | Headers and development files for
trilinos_14_0_0-gnu-openmpi4-hpc | package
  | weblate                                | Web-based translation tool        
                                | package
  | xorg-x11-server-Xspice                 | XSpice is an X server that can be
accessed by a Spice client       | package

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