Bug ID 965601
Summary DVD embedding fails / wodim + cdrecord -scanbus + --devices --Cannot open SCSI driver!
Classification openSUSE
Product openSUSE Distribution
Version 13.2
Hardware i586
OS openSUSE 13.2
Status NEW
Severity Normal
Priority P5 - None
Component Installation
Assignee yast2-maintainers@suse.de
Reporter michael.kasimir@gmx.de
QA Contact jsrain@suse.com
Found By ---
Blocker ---

Distributor ID: openSUSE project
Description:    openSUSE 13.2 (Harlequin) (i586)
Release:        13.2
Codename:       Harlequin

S | Name  | Typ   | Version       | Arch | Repository            
i | wodim | Paket | 1.1.11-20.1.7 | i586 | Haupt-Repository (OSS)
i | wodim | Paket | 1.1.11-20.1.7 | i586 | openSUSE-13.2-0

After the first installation of openSuse 13.2 the DVD devices cannot be

The Messages are:

mick@linux-lbjk:~> wodim -scanbus
wodim: No such file or directory. 
Cannot open SCSI driver!
For possible targets try 'wodim --devices' or 'wodim -scanbus'.
For possible transport specifiers try 'wodim dev=help'.
For IDE/ATAPI devices configuration, see the file README.ATAPI.setup from
the wodim documentation.


mick@linux-lbjk:~> wodim --devices
wodim: No such file or directory. 
Cannot open SCSI driver!
For possible targets try 'wodim --devices' or 'wodim -scanbus'.
For possible transport specifiers try 'wodim dev=help'.
For IDE/ATAPI devices configuration, see the file README.ATAPI.setup from
the wodim documentation.

The hardwareinfo supplies:

mick@linux-lbjk:~> /usr/sbin/hwinfo --scsi
27: .........

28: SCSI 300.0: 10602 CD-ROM (DVD)
  [Created at block.249]
  Unique ID: KD9E.VWhdXaVxaiF
  Parent ID: WL76.rwV8JTbQ6E2
  SysFS ID: /class/block/sr0
  SysFS BusID: 3:0:0:0
  SysFS Device Link:
  Hardware Class: cdrom
  Model: "MATSHITA DVD-ROM SR-8588"
  Vendor: "MATSHITA"
  Device: "DVD-ROM SR-8588"
  Revision: "7Z14"
  Driver: "pata_amd", "sr"
  Driver Modules: "pata_amd"
  Device File: /dev/sr0 (/dev/sg1)
  Device Files: /dev/sr0, /dev/cdrom,
/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:09.0-scsi-3:0:0:0, /dev/dvd
  Device Number: block 11:0 (char 21:1)
  Features: DVD, MRW, MRW-W
  Config Status: cfg=no, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown
  Attached to: #16 (IDE interface)
  Drive Speed: 48

29: SCSI 301.0: 10602 CD-ROM (DVD)
  [Created at block.249]
  Unique ID: nOPI.2vhJzF7KkvC
  Parent ID: WL76.rwV8JTbQ6E2
  SysFS ID: /class/block/sr1
  SysFS BusID: 3:0:1:0
  SysFS Device Link:
  Hardware Class: cdrom
  Model: "PIONEER DVD RW  DVR-106D"
  Vendor: "PIONEER"
  Device: "DVD RW  DVR-106D"
  Revision: "1.07"
  Driver: "pata_amd", "sr"
  Driver Modules: "pata_amd"
  Device File: /dev/sr1 (/dev/sg2)
  Device Files: /dev/sr1,
  Device Number: block 11:1 (char 21:2)
  Config Status: cfg=no, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown
  Attached to: #16 (IDE interface)
  Drive Speed: 32

Interesting is that simultaneously the DVD devices work with k3b proper.
The input of 

for i in 0 1 2 3
test -e /dev/sr"$i" && ln -s /dev/sr"$i" /dev/scd"$i"

supplies the result:
linux-lbjk: # for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5
>   do
> 	test -e /dev/sr"$i" && ln -s /dev/sr"$i" /dev/scd"$i"
>   done
ln: failed to create symbolic link ���/dev/scd0���: File exists
ln: failed to create symbolic link ���/dev/scd1���: File exists

and the input

wodim --devices

supplies the following result:

linux-lbjk: #   wodim --devices
wodim: Overview of accessible drives (2 found) :
 0  dev='/dev/scd0'     rwrw-- : 'MATSHITA' 'DVD-ROM SR-8588'
 1  dev='/dev/scd1'     rwrw-- : 'PIONEER' 'DVD RW  DVR-106D'

this leads only to a temporary solution. The solution achieved is not

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