Marius Tomaschewski changed bug 958102
What Removed Added
Flags   needinfo?(

Comment # 7 on bug 958102 from
There is no dhcp response received on em19. I think, it is some vmnet
related issue rather than something related to wicked (too old vmnet
kernel module for the kernel used in leap).

Please stop the wickedd daemons using "systemctl stop wickedd" (it will
not stop the network); then start:

  tcpdump -W dhcp4.pcap -Uvnfi em19 'port 67 or port 68' # or wireshark

in one root terminal to capture the dhcp packets into dhcp4.pcap
and on an another root terminal, call:

  wicked --debug all test dhcp4 ethX &>dhcp4.out

When wicked test dhcp4 finished, stop tcpdump capturing using Ctrl-C
and attach dhcp4.pcap + dhcp4.out files.

Then please stop/disable all the vmware / vmnet services and modules
and repeat the above on a normal ethernet connection to your ISP;
I guess, you'll get dhcp responses then.

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