With disassemble /s to_cdata in gdb I see 248 if (!cd) { 0x0000000000619314 <+116>: je 0x619375 <to_cdata+213> 249 lua_pushnil(L); 250 return NULL; 251 } 252 *ct = cd->type; => 0x0000000000619316 <+118>: movdqa (%rax),%xmm0 253 lua_getuservalue(L, idx); 0x000000000061931a <+122>: mov %r13d,%esi 0x000000000061931d <+125>: mov %rbx,%rdi that is that movdqa instruction does cause the segementation fault: Transcript written on luaimage.log. ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/luaimage.test: line 12: 31382 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ./luatex -ini luaimage FAIL luatexdir/luaimage.test (exit status: 1) On frame above the function to_cdata() its self is called with Dump of assembler code for function check_cdata: ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/luaffi/ctype.c: 269 { 0x0000000000619390 <+0>: push %r13 0x0000000000619392 <+2>: push %r12 0x0000000000619394 <+4>: mov %esi,%r12d 0x0000000000619397 <+7>: push %rbp 0x0000000000619398 <+8>: push %rbx 0x0000000000619399 <+9>: mov %rdx,%rbx 0x000000000061939c <+12>: mov %rdi,%rbp 0x000000000061939f <+15>: sub $0x8,%rsp 270 void* p = to_cdata(L, idx, ct); 0x00000000006193a3 <+19>: callq 0x6192a0 <to_cdata> 271 if (ct->type == INVALID_TYPE) { => 0x00000000006193a8 <+24>: testb $0x7c,0x19(%rbx) 270 void* p = to_cdata(L, idx, ct); 0x00000000006193ac <+28>: mov %rax,%r13 271 if (ct->type == INVALID_TYPE) { 0x00000000006193af <+31>: jne 0x6193c5 <check_cdata+53>